The Wichita Gem & Mineral Society recognizes the outstanding commitments of its members and is pleased to offer awards for service and community engagement.
Members who have supported the club and community with their membership and engagement for more than 30 years.
The Rockhound of the Year Award is presented to the recipient(s) at the general meeting in May. The recipient(s) must have been a member at least (5) continuous years and be a current member. Must have actively participated in the annual show three (3) of the past five years and be active during the current year. Must have demonstrated sustained interest in the earth sciences hobby and WGMS. Must hold or have held elective or appointive office(s) or have served on a committee. Must have demonstrated the ability to work cooperatively and effectively with other club members. Must not have previously received this honor. This award may include, but is not limited to Show Committee members.
This honor shall be named outstanding service award and an individual plaque shall be presented to the recipient(s) at the annual Anniversary Party in January. The recipient(s) must have been a member for 5 continuous years and be a current member. Must have displayed sustained interest in the earth sciences hobby and WGMS. Must hold or have held elected or appointed office(s), or served the society in other outstanding ways. Must display willingness to assist those entering the hobby. Must have demonstrated leadership within the organization and ability to work cooperatively and effectively with others. Must not previously have received this honor. Nominations in writing may be submitted to the President by any WGMS member prior to October board meeting If both husband and wife have been actively involved both should be nominated as joint recipients. The President at the October Board meeting shall appoint an award committee composed of three members, two from the board and one not from the board (none nominees) to review the nominees for eligibility and to report to the board at the December board meeting, at which time an election ballot will be conducted. There being a quorum, the election shall be majority vote of the board of directors present and voting, on or before December 30th. The chairman of the Award Committee shall, prior to a vote being taken, name each nominee and their qualification to receive this award. The Award Committee named above shall act as tellers to count the ballots and shall be responsible for obtaining the individual plaque, having name(s) engraved on the WGMS Plaque and planning an appropriate presentation. After adoption, these rules may not be changed except by majority vote of the board of directors.
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Rockhound of the Year Award Recipients
2018 Tony Giardina
2017 Susan Bannon
2016 Sandy Whiting
2015 Bob Haines
2014 Joe & Ardis Cruz
2013 Larry Skelton
2012 Greg Weisbrod
2011 Alan DeGood
2010 Merle & Carolyn White
2009 Lyle Koerper
2008 Paul & Ann Radiel
2007 George & Vi Mack
2006 David Hardin
2005 Peggy & Gene Maggard
2004 Jim & Patti Ballou
2003 Lloyd Reikeman
2002 Ray Adams
2001 Alice Piper
2000 Wes & Peggy Stambaugh
1999 Pat Clough-McCombs
1998 Bob & Janet Biven
1997 Jack & Lillian Simmons
1996 Bob & Dorothy Nibarger
1995 Pearl Burden
1994 Orwin & Ruth Weishaar
1993 Fred Bower
1992 Nola Nelson
1991 Jim Nutter
1990 Patti Eubank
1989 Bill & Fay Ripper
1988 Bob & Ida Crouch
1987 Claude & Naomi Matney
1986 John Johnson
1985 Velma Newlin
1984 Mary & Curley Clough
1983 Jessie Cook & Leroy Dumler
1982 Stan & Marge Ayers
1981 Rex Hile & Wayne Armstrong
1980 Bill Reed & Melvin Lentz
1979 Clayton Grace
1978 Walt & Ruth Broderson
1977 Dean & Fern Thomas
1976 Clarence Newlin
1975 Ray Wolfe
1974 Alice Young
1973 John Gholson
1972 Gib Henry
1971 Rolo Parker
1970 Walt Fisher
1969 Brace Helfrich
Outstanding Service Award Recipients
2019 Kay Johnson
2018 Al White
2017 George and Vi Mack & Marvaline Ray
2016 Tony Giardina
2015 Carolyn White
2014 Pat Clough
2013 Susan Bannon
2012 Don Atherton
2011 Joe & Ardis Cruz
2010 David Hardin
2009 Paul & Ann Radiel
2008 Sandy Reikeman
2007 Gene & Peggy Maggard
2006 Lyle & June Koerper
2005 Alan DeGood
2000 Ray Adams
2004 Bob & Janet Biven
2003 Wes & Peggy Stambaugh
2002 Sandy Whiting
2001 Delbert Ebersole
1999 Bill Ripper
1998 Jim & Vennetta Nutter
1997 Orwin & Ruth Weishaar
1996 Claude & Naomi Matney
1995 Curley & Mary Clough
1994 Bob & Ida Crouch
1993 Alice Piper
1992 Stanely Ayers
1991 Pearl Burden
1990 Everette Boley
1989 John Gohlson
1988 Clayton & Margurite Grace
1987 Chester Dine
WGMS Life Members
Asher, George
Biven, Janet
Clough, Mary
Crossland, Dennis
Crossland, Linda
DeGood, Alan
Folger, Lloyd
Lentz, Bernita
Mack, Vyonne
Matney, Naomi
Murphy, Sara
Radiel, Paul
Radiel, Ann
Shannon, Dana